The sphere of issuing loans in small amounts for a short period is actively developing today. Therefore, many people become interested in how microloans work, what their advantages and disadvantages are. On the one hand, microloans are an excellent opportunity to solve some problems almost instantly. And on the other hand, the over-payment for such a privilege is quite high.
The Essence of Microloans
As a rule, microloans are issued by microfinance organizations, and a special law regulates their activities on microfinancing. Microfinance organizations have more freedom in setting the conditions for issuing loans, so they put huge interest in each loan. At the same time, there are organizations focused on lending to small businesses that issue funds on more loyal terms. Therefore, if you are interested in this type of loan, you should know about tribal lenders at that provide it. The following types of microloans can be distinguished in this market:
- Loans for several days (for online purchases, etc.) transferred to electronic wallets;
- Loans for several weeks, transferred to wallets, to bank accounts and issued in cash;
- Loans to small businesses issued for a period of up to a year.
Features and Benefits of Microloans
Microloans are an alternative to bank loans in the following cases:
- Money is needed urgently (within a few minutes or hours);
- A person with a bad credit history needs money;
- An unemployed needs money.
Ordinary consumer microloans are issued for a period of up to 31 days at 1-2% per day. If you ask yourself what percentage of microloans is, then making simple calculations, we get about 30-60% per month and 360-720% per annum. Unlike banking (which today range from 20-30% per annum), these percentages seem utterly outrageous. At the same time, their feasibility is easily explained by the target audience of such loans. High-interest rates are designed to compensate for the loss of MFIs from a large number of defaults. If we positively talk about microloans, then they have the following advantages for borrowers:
- Minimum verification of a potential borrower
- No involvement of guarantors, no provision of collateral, etc.;
- The opportunity to get a loan with bad credit history;
- High speed of decision making and allocation of funds.

Nuances of Using Microloans
Some nuances should be taken into account when using such a financial instrument as microloan. Microloans are issued easily and quickly, which is why there is a temptation to take a loan in those situations when you could do without them. For example, taking microloans for the purchase of tourist packages, gifts or just for arranging holidays is not practical. The cost of loans is so great that even in a couple of weeks of using money, the amount that you have to repay will be much higher than what you took. At the same time, in situations where the money is urgently needed, microloans will be very useful.