Many people of good faith believe that demons are fallen angels. These fallen angels were cast down to Earth, because they dared to question the authority of God. These fallen angels transformed from a being of light to an entity of darkness. Each demon was tasked to promote various acts and sins. Each demon was also connected to a saint that would have the power to counteract the demon’s negative actions. For an example, if a family was tormented by Asmodeus, the Demonologist would pray and ask for help from John the Baptist. If the demon was Beelzebub, you would pray for help from St. Francis. During the 16th and 17th century, Demonologists set in motion a hierarchy of demons in order to enable people who perform exorcisms to identify the correct demon and call upon the correct saint to drive out the demon from the person who is possessed. This hierarchy of demons was the opposite of our hierarchy of angels. I for one, believe that some demons may have been fallen angels, while other demons were interdimensional entities.

I received a call on the paranormal hotline on April 2, 2021. The caller named Mark Robinson from Nampa, Idaho is being tormented by what he calls “demonic flies”. The story goes that Mark was dating a gothic type girl. There relationship would last for about a year and a half. Mark discovered that she dabbled in Satanism and caught her trying to conjure up a demon, so she can have the demon do her bidding. Mark being raised as a Christian, was appalled seeing his girlfriend messing around in the dark arts. Mark broke up with his girlfriend. When the break up happened, Mark and his girlfriend argued and the argument ended with Mark being scratched on his arm. His now ex-girlfriend saying that since she has his DNA under her fingertips, he will be cursed.
Mark believes that curse was placed upon him by his ex-girlfriend and that she brought Beelzebub – Lord of the Flies into his life. Beelzebub or Ba’al Zabub is translated as Lord of the Flies. Flies are seen by people as disgusting insects that feed off dead meat and excrement. Flies are seen as pests and any demigod that has the title Lord of the Flies, must be evil, must be demonic. Beelzebub being the Lord of the Flies is also responsible of people getting sick because of their contact with flies. The corresponding saint to counteract Beelzebub is St. Francis.
Mark Robinson says that ever since he broke up with his girlfriend, he has had a series of nightmares. The nightmares that he had are placed in order as he had them. Mark has also recorded the time that he woke up from these nightmares. Here are those nightmares:
1. The Buzz. In this nightmare, Mark keeps hearing a buzzing sound around his ear. The buzzing sound is constant and then gets louder. The sounds are like a multitude of flies flying around his ear. As he tries to swat the flies away, the buzzing just continues and Mark holds his ears, raises up from the bed and screams. Mark realizes that he had a nightmare and is now fully awake, the time is 3:15am and he cannot go back to sleep.

2. The Maggots. Mark dreams that he feels something squirming around on his stomach. What he feels on his stomach is wet and slimy and a multitude of things are moving about on his stomach. Mark turns on the light and sees thousands of maggots moving about on his stomach. His stomach area is all open and his insides are all exposed with maggots on the outside and inside of his stomach. His stomach is in agonizing pain and Mark wakes up to realize that he had a bad dream. The time is 4am.
3. Flies All Over. In this dream, Mark has a couple of flies that land on him. Then a couple more flies lands on him. Then some more and more, until Mark’s body and face is covered with flies. Mark again wakes up screaming. The time is 3:15am.
4. Tiny Worms. In this dream, Mark is swatting flies that are landing on his window screen. As the dead flies land on the floor, tiny worms pop out from the bodies of the dead flies. The worms go towards Mark’s feet. Before you know it, Mark’s feet has all kinds of tiny worms crawling on his feet. When Mark wakes up from this nightmare, it is 3am.
5. Giant Fly. In this dream Mark is being chased by a giant fly. The giant fly is like a bee, it stings Mark. Mark is now in agonizing pain. Mark wakes up and it’s 3:15am
6. Flies Infest Car. Mark dreams that he is driving down the road and a zillion flies fly through his air ventilators in his car. Before he knows it, the whole inside of his car is infested with flies. Mark cannot see out the front window and crashes head on into a tree. The time is 3:00 am.
7. Coffin of Maggots. Mark dreams that people think he’s dead, but he’s not dead, but he is unable to speak or move, to show anyone that he is still alive. He is thrown into a coffin and the coffin is filled with maggots. The time is 3:00 am.
Mark wants these dreams to stop. After Mark explains the story to me, we pray on the phone and ask for Mark’s protection against the Lord of the Flies and call upon St. Francis to protect Mark. I also explained to Mark that he should get a full submersion baptism to rid of any impurities that may be connected to his body and soul. I also explained to Mark how to perform a Catholic house blessing on his home using holy water. I also suggested that Mark invite a few people from his church and that they sing spiritual songs and pray throughout the house. This in turn will bring so much positive energy into the home, that anything negative will leave. Mark says that he could feel lightness in the air in his home after his fellow church members sang some spiritual songs in his home. Mark followed all of my instructions and is no longer tormented by nightmares. His paranormal problem has been resolved. Follow up call occurred on July 15, 2021. Mark now lives in peace and is no longer tormented by demonic flies. His former girlfriend is now dating someone else and seems happy and not focused on Mark. Mark believes the curse is lifted.
Paul Dale Roberts, Demonologist aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help