Income tax must be paid in the next few days, as the deadline is December 17th, and can be paid in any of 24 collecting entities.
The 24 locations to pay are Banco Nacional, Lafise, Cathay, Banco de Costa Rica, Banco Popular, Banco General, BAC San José, Davivienda, Improsa, Scotiabank, Scotiabank Transformándose, Desyfin, Banco Prival, BCT, Coopenae, Coopealianza, Coopeservidores, Coocique, CoopeAnde, Caja de Ande, Grupo Mutual, Grupo Mucap and Servimás.
The Colegio de Contadores Públicos will offer help for free today. If you need help or have questions about how to file the income tax declaration or general tax obligations you can call 2297-0045 ext.114, 115 and 138.
The director of Taxation expects to receive about 500,000 declarations. The Comptroller General of the Republic estimates that the collection of income and utilities tax will bring in ¢1.625 billion. ¢1,254,000 million had been collected by October.