Costa Rica News – The poor quality of education in Costa Rica is seen in the fact that only 4 out of 10 students pass the baccalaureate without the curve. The math test is the one which the lowest percentage can pass.
The highest rate of passing in the last 16 years was in 2016, with 7 out of 10 students passing all the national tests and graduating. This was met with enthusiasm in a press conference. No one seemed to notice that without the help of a curve, only 38.26% would have passed.
The Minister of Education, Edgar Mora, plans to use these numbers to defend to the Superior Council of Education his proposal to modify the national tests. Since entering the MEP, his position has been that the national tests should be a requirement used for diagnosis of the educational system but not an obstacle to graduating.
The MEP should make changes because the tests do not correspond to the curriculum being taught. The old curriculum had a focus on memory and content whereas the new one focuses on the development of skills like problem solving and critical thinking.