Costa Rica News – The Nazarene is, during this holy season, charged with the hopes of an entire people.
Catholic parishioners feel a great affinity with this emblematic representation of Christ carrying the cross.
The man representing Jesus walks through the town with a crown of thorns, his purple tunic and a face of suffering. He is the most characteristic figure of Holy Week. This is the universal image referring to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
This symbolism goes very far with those of faith. It often is seen as a parallel to their own sufferings in this earthly life as well as a hope of overcoming them. It makes them think that if today I’m not well, tomorrow I will be.
It helps them get through difficulties of life more serenely. In moments of crisis, and sadness they feel identified.
Believers not only see an allegory for affliction but base their view and faith on the complete work of Jesus, remembering his love and his resurrection. Holy Week invites us all to enter a revision of our own lives.