Costa Rica News – Are you ready for Costa Rica prostitutes to use the morning after pill as form of birth control? This is a country that had just put sexual education in schools and 1 in 5 girls are pregnant by the time they are 20.
How about talking to the men in Costa Rica about using condoms? or allowing the school systems to begin teaching the young kids about sex?
The morning after pill, or emergency contraception, has been approved by the World Health Organization for a long time and now the members of the Human Rights Commission have come onboard, giving approval to a bill that allows for the use of this pill in Costa Rica.
The case, 16887, will now go to the legislative branch before 57 deputies of the Republic. They will debate reproductive rights related to this pill, which some believe to be the same as abortion and others believe to be a woman’s right.
The document also includes regulations regarding therapeutic abortion, asking to ensure this as a legal possibility. Another article in the document touch on issues of reproductive rights for people with disabilities.
This potential law seeks to consolidate sexual and reproductive rights for all, something that is not so clear in the current laws. Most lawmakers agree that the theme of sexual health is important, but there is much dis-accord when it comes to abortion.
Costa Rica is not ready for this to be approved, it will just lead to more reckless behavior.