We have all heard the stories of ghostly hauntings. A person can meet a tragic and sudden end, causing them to experience a troubled transition into death. They may not be able to handle the truth, the pain and the injustice. There may be so much terror that the spirit itself will cause fear in the heart of others. It would make sense to know that where horrifying events have occurred, an evil curse remains at the sight of the bloodshed. Many times there are residual hauntings. Event’s replay and nightmares manifest. How could this tragedy have stolen so much?
I am going to recount to you some ghostly bicycle tales. Unfortunately, evil has been done to certain people and places and things fore by a wicked fate. Accidents of all kinds have caused good people to die, to turn them into a ghastly horror left confused and attached to the moment of their death. There are many possibilities as to why ghosts attach themselves to people, places and things that we may never understand until we are there but for now this is the witness testimony of those who experienced bicycle hauntings.
Yellow Ghost
On the way to school, a witness and a sister is up bright and early to walk to school. The boy’s sister suddenly realized that she had forgotten her homework assignments from school. She left to go walk back home.

Story From
As told by Paul Dale Roberts
1982 Furth-in-Wald, Germany. During the Dragonfest at Furth-in-Wald (Special Note: I once attended this festival which is held on the German / Czechoslovakia border – this is where I heard the story.) A young boy on his bike was observing the Dragonfest parade. Carefree and chatting with other kids in the crowd, the young boy was not paying any attention to his bicycling. A truck side swiped the boy and his bike. When people approached the accident, they saw a crumbled up bike, tires popped. The boy lay twisted on the cobblestone street, blood gushing from his head and making a large red puddle. The boy’s red scarf was entangled in the spokes of the bike. The boy was dead. People now claim that they will see a long red scarf flowing in the wind and moving about in the streets as if it were attached to something. One lady watching the scarf says that it will fade out and completely vanish in front of your eyes.
It’s true that there are many people who have died while riding their bicycles. Such a sudden passing could trigger an attachment to the disturbing memories and they could play out right in front of us. All the stress and confusion surrounding someone’s death may cause the ghost to cling to the moment forever. The feeling of freedom and child-like innocence of riding a bike is a feeling that can stick with us for a lifetime and maybe even through death.
Riding Into The Sunset
Poetry by; Deanna Jaxine Stinson
Round and round
The universe spins
Like bicycle pedals
The weight of our sins
Lifeless flower petals
Faster we are moving
Catching onto the wind
Wheels in the sky
Wings & soulful goodbyes
Colors of sunrise blend
Into another time
Dreams of Riding A Bike;
Dreams of riding a bike suggest subconscious realizations about balance and power. With the right steady speed you will be able to push through certain events. If a bike has a bad association or memory to you it is probably a stress dream. Being on a bike symbolizes many things in the universe. The wheels for example, symbolize moving forward, as you never move backwards in a bike. You may want to move forward at your leisure in certain endeavors in life but as with a bicycle, the faster you go, the faster you may get there. Are you pushing up a hill or is it a beautiful and peaceful terrain? Take note of the atmosphere, colors and rare things around you. All these symbolize an event in conjunction with this endeavor.
My Latest Bike Dream;
Two Hands in Tennis
I dreamed that I showed up to this house where everything was painted a cement blue color. The walkways were all made of cement. There was a chill in the air but it was blue skies. I went into this house which had a pickup truck filled with ladders parked in front of it and I met two people at the tennis court. They handed me something that looked like a tennis bat yet, they were smaller like waffles almost like ping pong ball hitters. They were colored a light blue color and we had one in each hand and we played them the way that you play them when you play tennis only with two. I left once to go and get something and when I came back to the house with my team-mate on a blue bicycle with a basket, the house had slightly changed. There was an antique room inside and all these rusty antiques like watches and the like. They were in a room that was covered in glass walls and everything had a name to it. I had lost both of my tennis racquet things and only had one to play with.
For more dreams please visit;
By: Deanna Jaxine Stinson, HPI Ghostly Storyteller and HPI Poet Laureate
Halo Paranormal Investigations – HPI International