My father who recently passed away was born and raised in Lehigh, Oklahoma. Growing up with dad, I became very familiar with his thoughts on the paranormal. He was an extreme skeptic. I was just the opposite, I was an extreme believer, because I lived in a haunted house on Effy Street in Fresno. The entities of this home centered their attention on me. It scared me to death. I was just a little boy. When we moved out of the house, everything went back to normal. When I tried to explain what happened to me in that house, my dad refused to believe me. He told me, I was just having childhood nightmares. I learned from that time on, my father was a skeptic. Here are four paranormal events that my father witnessed and believed all 4 episodes have logical explanations. My dad always sought out the “logical” answers.
I believe that is why I became a paranormal investigator. I was determined to prove to my dad, that paranormal experiences are real and that they really happen. My father didn’t believe in ghosts. My dad said that this life we have now is all there is. There was no afterlife. My dad also believed that our planet Earth was the only planet in the universe with life. As he got older, he changed his tune on that idea, but did not believe we were being visited by aliens. He told me the distance was too far for any intelligent life stopping by our planet to visit. I would have long discussions with dad about portals, wormholes and even black holes, that may be ways for extraterrestrials having a way to visit us. We would talk for a couple of hours on panspermia and my dad at the end, wasn’t buying it. Now that my dad is deceased, would he find a way to communicate with me? On the night that he died, I heard a cough that sounded like my dad. The cough sound was heard in my house and my dad was not in my house, he was at Kaiser Hospital. My dad may have already started a way and means to communicate with me. Time will tell. Below are four paranormal experiences that my dad witnessed.
While living in Lehigh, Oklahoma, my father found a cow in the field. My dad saw one of his cows lying dead in the field. My dad jumped off the tractor to get a better look. He observed that the cow was missing its eyes, ears, udders, anuses, sex organs and tongue. There was no sign of blood on the ground and there were no tracks on the ground. When my dad told me this story, the first thing I thought about was an extraterrestrial harvesting of a cow. There were even a few locals that claimed they saw strange lights in the night sky. My dad came up with a logical solution. The cow was devoured by a pack of coyotes. My dad always had the logical answer. I believe that the cow was harvested by extraterrestrial entities. When I told my dad what I thought about the incident, he had a hearty laugh.
The house that my dad lived in with his brother George, sister Yvonne, mother Sophie Roberts and father Emile Roberts was built on blood money. The sheriff of Lehigh murdered a local for his money and used the money to build the house. The sheriff was eventually caught and was sent to prison for life. At this home, my dad, Yvonne and George would hear disembodied footsteps. Sometimes there would be a tapping on the wall. My uncle George felt a strong breath on the back of his neck. George believed that the house was haunted. My dad’s answer to these mysterious events, is that the house was old and possible varmints living inside the walls were causing those strange noises.
When we lived on Ralston Drive in Monterey, there was one night we were driving around Monterey and observed 3 strange lights in the sky that seemed to be zipping around. The 3 lights then mysteriously went into the ocean. I asked my dad…what was that? My dad said it was some kind of military craft coming out of Fort Ord and doing a training exercise. I didn’t buy my dad’s answer. I felt there was something more to it. In fact, later on in life when I became a paranormal investigator/Ufologist I was called to investigate UAPs going into Monterey Bay from a home in Seaside. People sometimes hear strange humming sounds coming from the bay. I believe that there is an alien base deep in the waters of Monterey Bay. Of course, my dad didn’t believe that and blames it on the military.
When my mother passed away, my dad saw her 3 days after her death, walking down the hallway of my dad’s house. My dad was cleaning the bathtub and saw my mom. When my dad told me that, I then asked him…”now you believe in the afterlife?” My dad said, he was thinking of my mom so much, that he must have imagined it.
I love my dad, but he was the biggest skeptic, that I have ever known. It was always a blast to debate with him about the paranormal. I believe it was my dad being a skeptic that made me determined to somehow, someway make my dad a believer. The closest I got is where my dad finally believed that there could be life out there, on other planets. Love ya dad. One day, we will debate again. RIP.
Sacramento, California
Paul Marceau Roberts was born in Lehigh, Oklahoma. In his young childhood he flew crop dusters and worked on his mother’s farm. Paul was a Korean War Veteran. As a soldier he was a lineman for a Signal Company. While on tour with the Army he went to Korea, Japan, and Hawaii. Paul was a world traveler visiting France many times over, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, cruises to the Mediterranean & Caribbean. He was a successful musician and played with Pickin’ Cousins (Bluegrass Band). Paul was fluent in playing the accordion, piano, harmonica, banjo, bongo drums. In civilian life he worked at Employment Development Department as a Tax Auditor/Investigator; Tax Administrator II. Notable tax cases he worked on was the Church of Scientology, Kim Novak & Mickey Cohen’s West Coast Mafia.
Paul is survived by his wife Cindy Anderson; daughter Sharon Diane Kruger; son Paul Dale Roberts; daughter-in-law Deanna Jaxine Stinson; grandson Jason Randall Porter; son Joseph Anthony Soyo; son Andrew Somprise Soyo; and granddaughter Illi Anna Vega.
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Sacramento Paranormal Investigations
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503