Members of the Prague National Ballet were well received in 2013 and their stunning performances can be enjoyed again during two shows in August. The ballet group was created in 1883 and is famous for its talent filled performances around the world.
In Costa Rica, the group of 14 dancers will perform extracts of shows such as Raymonda, Diana and Acteon, Romeo and Juliet, Don Quijote and Esmerelda. Last May, Copelia, The Lake of the Swans, Guiselle and Sleeping Beauty were just a few of the shows that captivated the audience.
The ballet group brings many styles of dance to the stage including classical, neoclassical, modern, romantic and contemporary. All of these styles are professionally executed with focus on movement to characterize and make each one stand out from the next.
A spokesperson from the Interamerican Productions confirmed that this year the group will present their show to the public in Costa Rica on August 17th and 18th.
Tickets go on sale July 17th and can be purchased at as well as through the call center and authorized points including Servimas and Grupo Mutual agencies.
Those interested in attending can expect to pay between ¢16.500 y ¢46.500.