June 8, 2019, Saturday. Time: 2pm. Address to be at: Sacramento, Ca. Occupant: Pelenta Forrest. Activity: Boyfriend is a “picker”, he collects old antiques and whatnot. Extreme paranormal activity in the home. Intelligent moving orbs are seen. Beams of light hit certain areas of the house. Strange anomalies appear in photographs, things get moved around constantly.
Deanna Jaxine Stinson and I, arrived at 2pm. We were greeted by the occupant Pelenta Forrest and her friend Rachel Coleman. We investigated Rachel Coleman’s home before investigating Pelenta’s home, so we were already acquainted with both of them. Received instant welcoming hugs. Deanna and I, felt very comfortable and began setting up equipment. Pelenta had sodas and pizza for us. If you are reading this Pelenta, thank you!! Deanna picked up on a male ghost in hallway and described him. Pelenta immediately said that Deanna was describing Lonnie. I captured an EVP and Pelenta verified it was Lonnie’s voice. The EVP said…”I am here.” Pelenta became emotional when she heard Lonnie’s voice. Lonnie is still here. Rachel saw a flash in the kitchen, probably Lonnie making his presence known. When we started talking about Lonnie, the kitchen light went out and then came back on again. The kitchen light even got brighter. Deanna saw a gray and white dog ghost and Pelenta acknowledged the sighting and said that it was her dog that passed away named Kimba.

Deanna also saw a woman that seemed like she was from the 70s. This woman may have been attached to one of the old items in the house. Pelenta’s boyfriend is a picker. Some of the antiques he may have “picked” could have attachments, they could be haunted. Deanna says that the 70s Ghost Woman had short brown blonde hair (ashy blonde), pale skin, silver rimmed prescribed glasses. The 70s Ghost Woman was pointing towards some shoes telling Deanna that something was underneath the shoes. Pelenta created a portal in one of her bedroom’s walls and Deanna could feel an extraterrestrial connection at the portal. Special Note: Pelenta has an extraterrestrial connection. Deanna feels Pelenta is protected by a spiritual animal and that animal is a tiger. Deanna, Rachel and Pelenta all felt cramps in their stomachs today. Pelenta played her guitar today and sang the song “You Got a Friend by James Taylor” and when I was filming her, I could see orbs circling her with my own eyes, I am not sure if I captured it on my camera. When Pelenta plays her music, it stirs up paranormal activity. Special Note: I have a story about this song. When I was a little boy in Monterey, I ran away from home and hitchhiked to Carmel. A woman picked me up and she was playing her car radio and the song “You Got a Friend” came on and I started crying and ran out of the car, she yelled…”what is wrong? Come back!” When Pelenta played this song, I had an instant flashback. Deanna and I investigated outside and Deanna picked up on a little girl ghost and we captured an EVP of a little girl saying 3 words, see video to see what she said.

Pelenta has security cameras around her house and she captures all kinds of strange things on these cameras. Pelenta showed us the videos, one video you can see the translucent appearance of up to 3 apparitions walking around. In one video a stick figure moves in a straight line past her car. Another video, you see what are called “blizzard orbs”, a multitude of orbs flying about. Pelenta has several animals living in her home, she has two dogs, one of the dogs is named Cindy, the poodle is Riley. She has a big Oscar fish named Noel and 2 smaller fish. Sometime the dogs pick up on the entities in this home. Pelenta has a lot of Egyptian memorabilia. Another strange thing that happened tonight is that Pelenta was on the computer and a book popped up, it was Our Hollow Earth – by Timothy Beckley. Deanna and I, are both in this book. Out of all the books at Amazon.com – why did this book that Deanna and I, have a connection to, would pop up on her computer? We gave Pelenta cleansing material, in case at some point of time, Pelenta would like to conduct her own cleansing of her home. Pelenta pretty much has friendly ghosts in her home and Pelenta is not afraid of the ghosts. No cleansing was necessary today.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help