Costa Rica News – The Chilean artist Julio Escámez came to Costa Rica in 1974. He changed many lives through his art and teaching. He passed away in 2015 and left his works to the National University, where he taught.
A team went through the items and made an inventory. They had about 5,000 titles between paintings, sketches, notes and more. They were cleaned and safeguarded to be restored. There was some damage from humidity, water leaks rodents and insects in his home.
His complex works speak of power, politics, technology, inequality and mythologies. He was interested in set design, costumes, and the rescue of indigenous cultures. He had many facets.
Some of the works will be on display at the Costa Rican Museum of Art in La Sabana. 70 of his paintings, xylographs, sketches and notepads will be available to see. In his sketches we can see characters that didn’t make it into the final frame.