Extreme measures are recommended while going out to vote today. Luis Rosero Bixby created an interactive map to show the level of risk of contagion by covid-19 in each district. By clicking on your district, you can see the population number, number of cases per week, expected cases, and risk of contagion.
The “Q20 Risk” tells us the probability, in percentage, that in a meeting of 20 adults, there will be one or more active or contagious covid-19 patients. It’s also assumed that there are two undetected infected for each reported case.
The relative incidence rate (C19) is the quotient between observed cases and expected cases based on the demographics of the given district. The map shows that in certain electoral precincts it is almost certain there will be one or more contagious people.
The highest incidence of the virus in the first week of February has been in the Central Valley. In previous weeks it was located mainly in tourist destinations. The five highest outbreaks currently are in Cartago, districts in the west of the GAM, Coto Brus, Matina, and Desamparados-Aserrí.