The family moved into this home in 2017. Three months in, the activity started. The occupant’s cat starts freaking out in the garage and acts like he is seeing something and is staring at one spot in the garage. The cat continues to have strange behavior and seeing things that the occupant can’t see. I learn that Gina Congi’s father and grandfather passed away. Gina can feel strong energies in the garage and she feels the presence of her father and grandfather.
Things start to go missing and then reappear again. Strong energy is felt in the backyard. Some family members feel a tapping on them. Some family members feel someone brushing up against them, but there is no one there. Julian explains that he feels a heavy presence in certain areas of the house. Julian at times has heard whistling sounds and has seen a shadow move past him. Julian has also experienced sleep paralysis and indicates it may have been the Old Hag Syndrome, he had a difficult time breathing. Julian states that it felt something was sitting on his chest, he saw a shadow move away from him, he felt like something was trying to take his breath away. Julian has heard whistling sounds in the home and outside of the home.
We had 2 investigative sessions. We captured many orb photos and a couple of orbs acted like it had intelligent movement. Deanna felt the presence of a little boy in the back bedroom and we capture a Class A EVP of a little boy saying “okay”. Later we capture another Class A EVP of a man whistling. Gina feels this may have been her grandfather whistling. Julian has heard these whistling sounds. Deanna also feels a presence in the back bedroom of an entity looking out the back window and then going over to the bed. Christina felt a strange pressure on her throat in the spare bedroom. When Gina is asking if her father and grandfather are here, we captured 2 EVPs of a man saying “here”. Mike O. smelled a phantom smell of men’s cologne. The smell was strong, but then it faded away as fast as it manifested. Justin Mather captured what looks like shadow people in the backyard.
Deanna conducted a metaphysicial cleansing with palo santo wood. Assisting Deanna with her cleansing were Mike Ouilhon; Bob Steele; Lisa Steele and Alaceo Rosatano. Mike, Bob, Lisa and Alaceo held certain candles for the cleansing and followed Deanna room-to-room. The occupants were pleased with the results. Thank you to Gina and Julian for the various chips, cheese, cold cuts, sodas and bottled water!
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