Ghosts & the Supernatural – Below are three stories. Three stories of the Old West. Jeremy a psychic has a vision of Billy the Kid and Joaquin Murrieta. The next story, an Old West shooter named Calvin Colt still haunts the old town of Franklin. The last story is about the Holbrook Hotel. This hotel has been around since the 1800s and many prominent people stayed at this hotel, including the outlaw bandit Black Bart. So sit back and get a blast from the past with HPI and enjoy some stories of the Old West!
My cell phone ring tone is Michael Jackson’s Thriller. My phone is known as the ‘paranormal cellular hotline’. I get calls from all around the world. People asking me for advice or asking for an investigation, because they are witnessing ‘paranormal activity’. I pick up the phone and on the other line is Jeremy Wilcox of North Highlands. Jeremy claims he is a psychic and had an unusual vision that he wishes to explain to me.
While sitting at the steps of the Sacramento courthouse, Jeremy envisioned that the clouds opened up and a man on a horse came through the opening and told him his name is William Bonney. Jeremy researches and discovers that William Bonney is no other than Billy the Kid.
Jeremy: “My vision of Billy the Kid was a spectacular vision. He was holding a large jar filled with liquid and in this jar I could see a mustached head of a man, that looked Hispanic. From the pouch strapped to his horse, he brought out another jar, it was a human hand that displayed only three fingers.
Billy the Kid pointed to me and said: Jeremy, your world is facing a great crisis. Your world with modern technology will crumble as we go into the world of 2012. Your world will become the world that I lived, a world in which you must ride the horse, a world without electricity, a world where men face anarchy, a world in which men will fight in endless gun battles to stay alive, a world where men settle their quarrels with dueling gunfights. Justice is preserving the head of your enemy or the body part of your enemy, showing his demise.”
Paul: “It sounds like Billy the Kid is holding the head of Joaquin Murrieta, the Robin Hood of El Dorado County and the three fingered hand of Manuel Garcia aka Three-Fingered Jack. I am going to let you know now that Billy the Kid never met Joaquin Murrieta. While Murrieta sought revenge for the rape of his wife and his own beating, he became a notorious bandit throughout California. His legend inspired the writings of Zorro. Also his head and the hand of Three-Fingered Jack were displayed at the Stockton Courthouse at 222 East Weber Avenue, not on the steps of the Sacramento Courthouse. I don’t even know if Joaquin Murrieta ever visited Sacramento.
Billy the Kid fought in the Lincoln County War and became a regulator and frequented the territory of New Mexico. Billy the Kid has no history of visiting California. While the California Rangers pursued Joaquin Murrieta and Manuel Garcia, Billy the Kid was being pursued by Pat Garrett and his posse. Your vision is quite odd as it teams up two outlaws that terrorized two different areas and neither outlaw visited Sacramento, CA as their scarce records indicate. Jeremy this is such an odd dream, just to let you know, I did visit Billy the Kid’s grave in New Mexico. Now I just wonder.
Why would these outlaws seek you out at the Sacramento Courthouse?”
Jeremy: “Well, there is actually more to tell you. From the jars containing the head and the hand, two Hispanic cowboys appeared on their horses next to Billy the Kid. From the mouth of the one you call Joaquin, he says: Your world is giving you signs that you must pay attention to. The signs of large gaping holes in the ground, earthquakes, large waves, dead fish, dead birds that fall to the ground, eruptions of volcanoes. The times are here. Your world will not end, but what you love, your connection to the world through machines, will all be dissolved. Your world will fall back into time, your loss of machines will be forever gone. From this city you are from, you will face a great turbulent storm, one that you have never seen before, there will be many victims of your great deluge.”
Paul: “It sounds like Joaquin is talking about an ArcStorm. Sacramento faced an ArcStorm in 1862 I believe and many people perished. Also, it sounds like he is talking about sink holes, tsunamis, etc. It is so odd, that so many people are having visions of the end times and your story is very incredible. Truly high strangeness and because of that, I am going to publish your story, it’s a bizarre story that needs to be told. I am just wondering if Billy, Manuel and Joaquin are friends in the afterlife? So strange.”
Gunslinger Calvin Colt: Phantom of Franklin
If you were to drive down Franklin Blvd in Sacramento, you would enter Elk Grove. As you cruise further on Franklin Blvd, you would actually come to the small town of Franklin, California. As you enter this small town, it’s hard to believe a city like Sacramento is a mere few miles away. You feel like you have stepped into a time machine, because all of the buildings are past vintage. There are buildings that were erected from the 1800s to buildings that were erected in the early 60s. I was notified by email of a ghostly phantom that haunts the town of Franklin. Here is what the email said (some words and sentences were changed to make the email more comprehensive):
“Hi Paul, I have a cool place for you to scout out. Check out the town of Franklin. When I was in high school (early 80s), my friends and I, were playing kickball in the street. The sun was settling down and we all saw a tall dark figure walking towards us. The figure was wearing a large black hat, black trenchcoat and it appeared that he was holding onto two guns holstered to his waist. We got scared and ran. As we looked back, there was no one there. I asked my grandfather about it and he said we saw the ghost of gunslinger Calvin Colt. His first name is Calvin, but he took on the name of ‘Colt’, because he harnessed two Colt 45s to his gunbelt. The townsfolk said he was a bragger and he had claimed to have killed two men in Kansas after a drinking binge. Calvin Colt met a mysterious death and one morning, the townsfolk found him laying face down in the cemetery with a bullet in the back of his head. The story goes that Calvin Colt still haunts the town of Franklin, looking for his killer. Signed Marge of Franklin.”
After reading this email, I cut and pasted it into my list of places to scout out. I love scouting out areas that may be haunted and I knew one day, I would have to verify the claim from this email. That day is here. Today is Friday, April 25, 2008. I decided to have a small scouting party for this mission. I called upon Anne Atwell (former ballerina of the New York Broadway Show The Nutcracker) and HPI Ghosthunter-in-Training. The next one on my team was Pika (Jack Russell Terrier) – HPI Ghosthunter/Sensitive. We all hopped in my vehicle ‘The Ghost Tracker’ and headed to the small town of Franklin. Our first stop was the Franklin Cemetery. Pika would be the lead investigator for the Franklin Cemetery, because he can spot out paranormal interference with his acute sixth sense. I snapped many photographs in this cemetery and obtained only one orb shot. Apparently Calvin Colt didn’t want to hang out at the place where he died. Anne found a very unusual tombstone, it read: Alexander Hamilton Willard – born Charlestown NH August 24 1778 Died Franklin March 6, 1985 Last Surviving Member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Wow! In this small cemetery, here was a piece of history. The last surviving member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition is buried in this graveyard. How did Mr. Willard find his way from New Hampshire and then go on the Lewis and Clark Expedition and finally settle down in the small town of Franklin is beyond me.
Our next stop was at C.J.’s Dining – 10408 Franklin Blvd. I have heard many times over that this establishment is haunted. I started snapping pictures and when analyzing the photos, I noticed I had orbs in almost all of my photos. Most were ‘faint orbs’, but I got a clear picture of a ‘crystal orb’ near the window. I am not saying that orb pictures are paranormal activity, but when you go to a place that is reputed to be haunted, it’s kind of odd how orb pictures are established so quickly. I can get an orb picture usually by the third picture taken. Then if I go to a place that is not haunted, not one orb picture. Of course when you use a video camera, you can determine if an orb has intelligent movement. For an example, Shannon McCabe was once sitting on a haunted stairwell. She asked the orbs to move towards her outreached hand. They did exactly that, several times over. This shows some type of intelligence. When taking pictures in the patio area of C.J.’s, my camera batteries died. The batteries were brand new. Anne also noticed that there was a power pole in front of C.J.s, a good conduit for entities to draw energy from. After our investigation in the town of Franklin, we did not meet up with Calvin Colt. Pika didn’t react to anything unusual at the cemetery, so it was time to wrap it up. Anne, Pika and I decided to go over our photographs at a very haunted establishment called Elk Grove Brewery (see my article about the Elk Grove Brewery). As I looked at the digital photographs, Anne related a story to me. When she was vacationing in India and staying at the Clark’s Hotel that overlooks the Siege of Lucknow or also known as the Lucknow Rebellion, she saw 2 full body apparitions. She was no more than three feet away from the apparitions and they looked like real people to her. She saw a doctor that seemed to be treating a wounded soldier, while another apparition that looked like an officer was standing over the chair that the doctor was sitting on. Anne saw the apparitions at 3:15am and actually thought they were breathing living human beings. She says that the air felt electric. She said a few words to the apparitions and they vanished in front of her eyes. Anne at a later time will go into full details with her own written version of this account and you will be able to get her full story that will be linked into one of my future articles.
As I take a break from this article, I must prepare myself for a full blown scouting mission on Saturday, which will lead me back to the Holbrooke Hotel in Grass Valley. I will discuss this scouting investigation as we get further into this article. Now, let’s talk about one more email, before I head into slumberland. The email reads:
“If HPI every makes it up to Port Deposit, MD, there is a story of a ghost giant in the woods, give me a call at: xxxxxx.”
What the hey? A ghost giant? Doing a Google Search on Port Deposit, I discover that Captain John Smith, claimed there were American Indian giants near and around Port Deposit, he called them the Susquehannocks, meaning muddy river. He claimed one Indian Susquehannock warrior had a leg calf that measured 27 inches around. Could the ghost giant in the woods be a ghostly Susquehannock Indian warrior? HPI just became ‘international’, so perhaps I should place this into my international category of future places to scout out. Ahhh…so many places to investigate and so little time.
Yawn! Time to wake up! It’s April 26, 2008, Saturday. Where is the coffee? I feel groggy and I find myself almost tripping over my dogs HPI (pronounced Hi-Pee) and Pika as they chase each other around the living

There was a car show in town and they would rather do more ghosthunting than look at these vintage automobiles. So, I took them down the road to The Owl Tavern and showed them where George the Ghost hangs out at. George was killed for cheating in a card game and haunts one particular table where he was killed at. As my ghosthunting scouts snapped photos, they got orbs at this one location. When they took pictures in other areas, there were no orbs. This one table area is very haunted.Now do you think my investigative scouts want to hang out at the car show? The answer is no, now they want to see Anton LaVey’s Round Room, so we caravan to Wolf Mountain Road. Jennifer has me ride with her as she keeps me entertained with a story on how she discovered she had three past lives. While going through energy work called ‘Reiki’, she discovered that she was a medieval swordsman that fought on a huge battlefield. She was once a Chinese cook in a whorehouse and she was the first wife to someone important, because her child was in danger of assassination. Jennifer is a fascinating lady, full of smiles, laughter and big dimples. It was enjoyable riding with her. I had her stop her car about 6 times, as I asked people on the streets where in the heck is Wolf Mountain Road? For some strange reason, we must have passed it by 4 times, or I was so involved in my conversation, I kept missing the sign. We finally arrive at the Round Room and my ghosthunters looked at this place with shame. A place that harbors evil to this very day. Finally my ghosthunting scouts were tired and ready to head back. Jennifer and I, decided to grab a meal at the Thai Kitchen Restaurant – 149 S. Auburn Street. It was a good stop, because I hadn’t had Thai in a long time. Of course, my meal was spicy 10. 10 being the hottest. After I finished my dining, I was sweating bullets. But, it was well worth it.
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations (HPI International)!/groups/HPIinternational/