Date to be there: December 7, 2019, Saturday. Time to be there: 1900 Hours. Address to be at: #178, Orangevale, CA – Contact Person: Michele or Mic’e Curry. Activity: The blankets on the bed move like they are breathing – saw video, it’s weird. Everything breaks down in the apartment, leaks everywhere. Michele moved in 2018. Weird tracks on the wall, everything started rusting, strange gust happens in the apartment, things break on their own, everything stops working, feels like the entity follows her everywhere.
Present: Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium – HPI Co-Owner; Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner. Well, it could be two things and I will allow the readers to decide. Here are those two things: 1. Black Mold – discovered at air vent in the living room, when filter was removed, Deanna discovered a large amount of black mold. Black mold causes nausea, dizziness, hallucinations. I felt dizzy while in this apartment. We did not obtain any EVPs. We captured no anomalies in our photographs. I did notice that the black plastic over her bathroom cabinets, appeared to be breathing, but can there also be a draft that is causing the black plastic to move in and out, like it’s breathing? Mic’e sees faces in her carpeting. In many demonic cases I have investigated, the occupants see faces in the carpet. The occupant believes it could be 2. Energy Parasites or Spiritual Parasites. There was a couple of hole marks in the closet door and when she takes a close up picture of the hole marks, there appears to be worms within the holes and she feels these are energy parasites. She believes that these energy parasites make nests and the nests that I saw looked like huge dust balls. Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing and I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing and also blessed her vehicle, because she says the entities will ride with her when she goes out. Deanna gave Michele an abalone shell and cinnamon sticks for her own home cleansing. Special Note: Michele had many, many jars filled up with debris and trash, that she feels are worms, eggs, nests and parasites.
Date to be there: December 8, 2019 Sunday. Time to be there: 1300 Hours. Contact Person: Danielle & Kevin Mann Case Number: N91H6289U8603 / Address to be at: Lincoln, CA/ Activity: Activity: Daughter has an imaginary friend named “Kid”. When ex-husband moved into home, his personality changed and he became violent. Kid – the imaginary friend made her daughter eat a frog. Kid pulled daughter out of bed by her feet. The daughter screamed and screamed and screamed. Things move around in the home. Shadow figures seen. Occupants choked. Occupant gets tortured with balloon popping sounds next to her ear and there is no balloon.
HPI Roll Call: Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner/Psychic Medium, Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner, Xandean Smith, Sue Spaulding – Guest, Casey Samure – Guest; Richard “Ox” Oxenrider – Guest; Greg Samure – Guest
All through the house, we did not get any EVPs. Richard’s spirit box picked up on some intelligent responses, one entity identified itself as William or Billy. Deanna picked up on an old man by a red pick up next door and we captured an EVP of an old man saying “I am here”. The occupant Danielle says that there was an old man that died close to her home, in the neighborhood. When Deanna conducted her metaphysical cleansing and I did my Roman Catholic house blessing, Danielle’s 3 year old daughter could not find her imaginary friend named “Kid”, she was looking for him and couldn’t find him. Casey and Sue visualized a dirt bike and a terrible accident. Danielle confirmed that her ex rode dirt bikes and at some point of time, he got into an accident. Casey and Sue picked up on the residual energy of this incident. Deanna picked up on a male ghost with a bowler hat on, that was standing behind Xandean. Xandean photographed designer orbs in Danielle’s daughter’s bedroom, which is a hotspot in the house.
By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help