Costa Rica News – Electronic prescriptions are going to halve the waiting times at CCSS pharmacies. 13 health areas already have this type of digital processing but it’ll be available in all 534 pharmacies in the first quarter of next year.
This is related to the integration of the EDUS (Digital Unique Health Record) Pharmacy module.
This service seeks the improvement of control in the delivery of drugs. This system will avoid hard to read handwriting resulting in inaccurate medicines.
As an additional benefit, clients will no longer have to make extra trips to the pharmacy to bring the prescriptions.
They will also be given reminders of when to pick up refills without having to bring paperwork in again.
The patients are going to leave the doctor’s office or hospital room with a password to go directly to the pharmacy window and pick up their drugs.
The system will also alert doctors of potential dangerous interactions with other meds the patient is on.