Costa Rica News- Things as simple as watching a TV show, reading a story book or taking photographs can serve parental tools to enhance their children’s intelligence. The optimum is to exploit the first seven years of age, because it is the time when children are more likely to boost their brain power.
This is the message the Dutch psychologist Hans Cohen de Lara gave at the University of Costa Rica (UCR), last Thursday and is included in his book The Fundamentals: Theory and practice of early childhood education for children , available at site
“It’s great to stimulate. At home, every situation can be beneficial for the child, they can talk, spend time with the children to explain what they do, “said Cohen.
Parents can ask their child to comment while reading a book, tell stories to watch TV or respond to any questions you have to see a picture.
Ideally, the child has a chance to offer their own answers and solutions.
For example, find out if a garment will fit or not a doll, or figure out the meaning of a word based on the context of a picture book.
Incidentally, that adults will listen, praise his drawings or other works and not to ridicule in public scolding.
In addition, Cohen insists that both families and schools must create an environment for children to acquire more skills.
This does not mean that they learn to read and write at an early age, but arouse their curiosity, understand concepts like near and far and do not have a very limited vocabulary.
“As you play with your children can experience (to discover and learn). Games with interaction with adults, as parents or teachers, help to raise the quality of development, “said Cohen.
All of these things are great but they are not being implemented in most cases in schools and in homes.