Just a single day after receiving his license, a young man was involved in an accident that took the life of a motorcyclist. He now faces charges of culpable homicide because his breathalyzer test result was .29 mg of alcohol, above the .25 limit for young drivers.
Causing additional chaos, the collision led to incredible traffic jams that prevented the prosecutor in charge from getting to the scene in a timely fashion. Eventually, traffic police opened the way for the prosecutor to carry out the necessary procedures.
The accident happened early Friday at the entrance to El Pilar, La Union de Cartago, on the Florencio del Castillo highway. The driver was in a 4×4. He says the breaks failed. The case moves to criminal court when there is over .25 mg of alcohol reported.
In the first five hours of Friday there were three fatal accidents. This year, by March 12, there were 82 deaths from road injuries recorded. 52% of these were persons traveling by motorcycle.