Costa Rica News (Opinion Piece) – (QCostaRica) – We’ve all seen them, in Costa Rica and am sure in other cities of the world, cops breaking the law. Lets focus a minute on the elite group of Costa Rican cops known as “Transitos” – traffic police officials.
They are the guardians of our roads, the protectors of public safety, the ones who insist that we all obey the rules of the road and the letter of the law.
But, are they above that? Can they literally do what they want, while at the same time hypocritically fining us for doing exactly the same as they do?
One Facebook user, who says he rarely does these things, took the opportunity to take photos of one Transito talking on the cell phone while ride his big motorcycle.
The cop’s act was so brazen that he didn’t even care if a cyclist looked on him (as you can see in one of the photos) in disgust, a man waiting for a bus or even the Facebook user taking photos.
Who is tofine him? Certainly not his companion riding along side.
These two law enforcement officials couldn’t care less about what is going on, not even for a moment to stop the cyclist from being on the road, in this case, the autopista General Cañas which has not shoulders. You can clearly see in the photo the cyclist is sharing a lane with the cell phone talking cop.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. The violations of the rules of the road and law AND the blind eye turned to dangerous (like cycling on a highway) is common.
For instance, in Santa Ana, where I live, every Sunday morning you will find a crew of Transitos in front of the Megasuper, on the San Jose bound lanes, with their photo radar. But not one will take the time to stop the groups cyclists who use the highway, the drivers making a sharp right to enter the supermarket instead of the proper entrance a 100 metres away, the mad dash by pedestrians who refuse to use the overhead pass and of course, the buses, who will stop in the middle of the highway to take or drop off passengers.
Here is a reprint (in Spanish) of Maycol Andres Montero Vasquez‘s post:
Yo no acostumbro a realizar este tipo de acciones, pero me resulto muy particular lo que capte el día de ayer……
Esto sucedió en la Autopista General Cañas, los protectores de seguridad vial en este país, predicando con el ejemplo, uno de ellos hablando por teléfono mientras conducía su gran motocicleta…… lo más curioso es que el mae de la bicicleta se le queda viendo al oficial de transito sorprendido por el acto.
Deberían predicar con el ejemplo esto señores del transito, compartan estas imágenes para que lleguen a conocimiento de las Autoridades de Transito, a las Autoridades de Gobierno, a quien puta sea, con el fin de que estos actos no se vuelvan a repetir………
La idea es crear conciencia de que debemos respetar las Leyes de Transito en todos sus extremos, sé que existe gente que hace lo que le da la gana en las calles, la gente se muere como nada. Somos de la partida de que domina el más audaz (para no decir el más estúpido haciendo tonteras en la calle).
Amigos y amigas conductores, con todo el respeto que se merecen, respetemos las señales de transito, las leyes, la señalización en las carreteras, pero sobre todo respetemos la vida, lo más valioso de este mundo. Quiero un mundo mejor, quiero un país mejor, pero no a base de tonterías ni actos estúpidos.
Agradezco a todos los que sacaran un rato de su tiempo para leer esto y compartirlos…………
Hagamos algo, pero yaaaaaaaaaaa………………..
Article originally appeared on