Costa Rica News – If there is a way that a Costa Rica government entity can take the day off then they will find it. If there needs to be a system update in the USA the business does not shut down to do the update, there are other tasks that the employees can do to prepare for this system update…like have classes to introduce the new system and learn it. If it is vital to have the system up and running to do business then do the system update on the weekend.
Conavi will be closed tomorrow for setting-appropriate activities in systems for the implementation of the new traffic law.
This was announced in a statement on Road Safety Council (Cosevi).
With the entry into force of the new highway bill, the Council must adjust the amount of fines and update their databases.
They will also suspend service of collecting fines in regional headquarters in external revenue authorities (National Banking System). Because they have no way to do this other than with the system….come on……let’s think outside the box.
they will be restarting normal work on Friday October 26 with opening hours to the public from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm but closed for lunch. (of course closed for lunch, as they could not take lunch in shifts)
The President announced yesterday that the new traffic law go into effect next Friday.
But this afternoon, Jorge Vargas, director of the National Press, confirmed that he had not received the text of the law for publication.
Despite this shortcoming, Vargas said that if he gets the text in the course of the afternoon, will be able to publish a digital scope for the law comes into effect on Friday.