The CCSS is planning to use the “day hospital” modality of care more and more. It also plans to treat more patients in their homes. Starting in Calderón Guardia Hospital and Hospital Nacional de la Mujer, 1,000 hospitalizations will be avoided in 2020.
Implementing a day hospital means many patients will be able to receive treatment without being admitted to the hospital. They will go home to their families and come back the next day to continue treatment.
Receiving antibiotics is one example of a situation in which a patient is unnecessarily hospitalized. This can be done in a day hospital and the bed can be used by multiple people per day, bettering the wait time for patients.
This will help the patients quality of life as well as solve problems faced at overcrowded hospitals. It would save over ₡600 million for the Caja next year.
The system has proved successful in isolation in public medical centers and starting in 2020 it will begin to be executed in a phased manner throughout the territory.