he idea of spending Christmas or New Year’s Eve under a blanket of stars on Costa Rica’s highest peak, Chirripó, seems amazing. Those who have done so describe it as an experience that takes your breath away.
Can’t wait until the end of the year holidays? Lucky for you, there are great deals for November. Any trip in November is eligible for 25% off the lodging and meals. This doesn’t apply to the service of hauling bags, which is ₡2,831 per kilo.
There are still 700 spaces available for November compared to only 130 in December. To reserve, the first step is to check dates for availability at www.sinac.go.cr then go to https://serviciosenlinea.sinac.go.cr/ to register and pay the entrance fee of ₡4,000 per day for nationals and $18 per day for foreigners. Next is to pay for the lodging within two days of paying the entrance. To take advantage of the 25% off for November dates you must claim the promotion at 2742-5200 or [email protected] or else you will be charged the regular rate.
Keep in mind the lodge is 3,820 meters above sea level and only accessible by hiking 20 kilometers uphill.