We’re hearing a lot about the new delta variant of covid-19 but is it in Costa Rica? What will it mean for the number of cases? Experts expect that it is already in Costa Rica and state that it would be strange if it weren’t, yet, the CCSS hasn’t confirmed a case.
If it’s not in the country yet, it soon will be. This will likely lead to an increase in the number of infections but the number of hospitalizations and deaths will hopefully not be as bad as before because of the vaccination scheme.
We can look toward countries that are already battling the delta variant for an idea of what to expect. We should be aware that there is a risk of rebound. We should not stop taking precautions although there’s a decrease in the current wave because a new variant and a new wave is to come.
The delta variant can infect even those who are vaccinated, although it won’t make them seriously ill. Still, the delta variant could double the amount of deaths. Vaccination is the key to avoiding this but some countries hoard the vaccines not understanding that herd immunity should happen worldwide to most effectively protect people of any country. For as long as the virus is somewhere in the world, new variants will arise, and new vaccines will need to be created.
Herd immunity in Costa Rica is not expected until a bit over ten months from now, or whenever 70-75% of the inhabitants have been vaccinated. As of June 28, only 800,000 people had the complete dose, two vaccines. The CCSS aims to vaccinate 4.5 million people.