Costa Rica News – The National Restoration Project for the Care Network is not being well received. This is mainly because it would defund much needed social programs without creating new resources.
It is the National Restoration Party (PRN) wants to increase resources for the Care Network, with a secondary effect of definancing other social programs of the State. The Care Network allows low income parents to leave for work or study while their preschoolers are cared for. It’s a great initiative, but money doesn’t come from nowhere.
The plan aims to increase the percentage that the Fund for Social Development and Family Allowances (Fodesaf) must give to the program. The initiative would force Fodesaf to give 6% instead of 4%.
The proposal does not establish where the rest of the needed money would come from, but likely other social programs, such as the Joint Institute for Social Assistance (IMAS), the National Employment Program, the Avancemos scholarships or pensions. If not taken from somewhere, the Government would have to borrow more to fulfill the obligation.