n the past 3 years, I received 3 unusual phone calls in regard to a hobgoblin. I will call this hobgoblin, a Birthday Hobgoblin and I will explain why. When I first received a call about a Birthday Hobgoblin, I dismissed it as someone being fanciful with their imagination. I am now not too sure. Let’s check out the phone calls that I received. Let me pull them up from my archives:

Date the call came in: March 18, 2015. Time: 3:07pm. Caller: Lance Durham. Location: Norfolk, Nebraska. Lance makes claim that right after his birthday, he saw darting shadows moving about his house. He first thought it was a rat. He turned on the light from his smart phone and to his surprise he saw a tiny little man with a wrinkled face, a hunchback, and a sort of long protruding nose and beady little eyes. He was carrying a small staff and had strange clothing that looked like it came from a past time period. The little man hissed at him and then darted away. The sightings of darting shadows lasted only 2 days after his birthday. He discovered that his wife’s expensive earrings were missing and his watch was missing. He never experienced this hobgoblin again. Lance turned 61 years old on his birthday. When I received this phone call, I found it to be quite odd and didn’t know what to make of it.
Date call came in: April 11, 2017. Time: 9:46am. Caller: Lisa Terrance. Location: Valdosta, Georgia. Lisa says that her family came over to her house, to celebrate her birthday. It was a birthday potluck and everyone brought some type of dish for the potluck. Lisa said that while she was preparing the dinner table, she saw a darting shadow figure go underneath the table. She also heard a weird sounding giggle coming from underneath the table. She dismissed the idea that she heard a giggle, or saw something going underneath the table. Lisa woke up early on her birthday and thought it was mild fatigue that caused her to imagine those things. Lisa’s aunt started talking about what she brought to the potluck, she brought a rasberry white chocolate coconut bites. When she started talking about it, the bowl in which the bites were in vibrated and came smashing to the floor. Lisa’s aunt blamed a family guest with bumping into the bowl of bites causing them to fall to the ground. Lisa didn’t say anything, but she saw the bowl vibrate and move across the edge of the table and smash to the floor. When Lisa told me this story, I automatically thought of the previous call from Lance and again, it was two people that had birthdays. I kept in touch with Lisa for a while and her only experience with the Birthday Hobgoblin was on her birthday. She had no more paranormal experiences. Lisa did mention that while everyone was eating at the potluck, her cousin spilled some cheddar corn dog mini muffins. She doesn’t know for sure if the Birthday Hobgoblin caused that or if it was her cousin’s clumsiness.
Date call came in: May 2, 2019. Time: 7:45pm. Caller: Don Wheeler. Location: Bismarck, North Dakota. Don says that on his birthday, he had family and friends gathering at his home. He was having a birthday barbeque. Don spent all day barbequing steaks, ribs, hamburgers, chicken. 17 people showed up to his birthday bbq. Don said that he noticed his two dogs barking at something and one of the dogs started growling. Don said they cornered something in the thickets and he went over to investigate. Don pulled the dogs back and to his shock and dismay he saw for a split second a wrinkled man’s face that was very tiny. The little creature zipped back into the thickets and took off. One of his dogs took off the opposite direction, scared to death and knocked over a plate of ribs. Don never experienced this again, but is curious on what he may have seen.

What Lance, Lisa and Don may have experienced was a Birthday Hobgoblin. Let’s look at what a hobgoblin is. Hobgoblins are known to be mischievous. Puck in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is considered a hobgoblin. A hobgoblin may be a cross of a sprite and elf. Hobgoblins like to hang out at households, they are attracted to human dwellings. Some people say they are ugly fairies. Hobgoblins are known for their practical jokes and perhaps there are hobgoblins that enjoy tormenting people on their birthdays and they become what is known as “Birthday Hobgoblins”.
Well, my birthday is today. January 17th and guess what I saw darting shadows on the day before my birthday. I saw darting shadows 3 times. My wife Deanna Jaxine Stinson on some of our investigations has seen imps. She is a psychic medium and is able to see beyond the veil. When I saw a darting shadow go across the kitchen floor, she also saw the same thing. Around about 3am on Jan 17th, I saw a darting shadow and some of the lights in the house flickered. I was watching Vampire Academy at the time of the flickering. Now that it’s daylight and it’s still January 17th, I have not experienced anything else that might be considered paranormal. But, I wonder if I was experiencing the activity of the Birthday Hobgoblin?
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help