Costa Rica News – Beach cleanups are a great advocacy tool to create mindfulness among beach-goers. When one sees people voluntarily cleaning up he or she is less likely to leave garbage behind.
The ultimate goal is that beach cleanups will no longer be necessary because each person cleans up after himself.
While we are working towards that goal there are many community groups coming together to make the local beaches a bit nicer. The Bajamar beach in Puntarenas will host a cleaning crew on Saturday the 19th of September.
Those interested in helping can call 2228-4317 or email
Another way to help is to participate in the reduce and recycle campaign #YoSeparo. This program teaches and encourages the correct separation of waste and recyclables as well as offering suggestions for reducing the amount of non recyclables one uses.
80% of the waste left on beaches is reusable or recyclable. That’s a huge percentage and we must all do something about it.
There are many ministries and community organizations cleaning up but if we continue to throw away recyclables the responsibility is on us, the regular people.