Costa Rica News – One of the best parts of traveling is (usually) experiencing the local cuisine. Many people enjoy earning bragging rights by eating crazy sounding foods. Occasionally, people get sick from water or street food in certain countries.
If you are one who normally can eat anything, you may try the following. For the general public, here is a list of foods NOT to try in Costa Rica:
- A bowl of steaming hot intestines! Also known as Mondongo or Tripe Soup, this textured and stringy dish will have your stomach begging you to stop.
- Ceviche is a popular dish but beware of one called Ceviche de Pulpo. It’s made from octopus which doesn’t get fully cooked from the lime juice. The bite is hard and the rubbery feeling is disgusting!
- Wine sounds great, right? On your romantic night out skip the Vino de Palma, or Palm Wine. This wine burns as well as produces a horrible hangover!
- Everyone likes salty fried foods. Chicharrones are salty fried pig skins that not everyone likes. Picture a pig rolling around in the mud before eating one of these skins.
- Turtle eggs, Huevos de Tortuga in Spanish, might taste good but please don’t find out. They are endangered and they can’t be good enough to risk making them extinct.
Some foods you may actually want to enjoy are the tropical fruits, fresh seafood, sweet churros, and locally grown coffee.
Kerry La