All these abbreviations look rather intimidating at first blush. However, it is better to know what you are dealing with. If you have a wish to try CBD, probably, you have heard something about it. The most common things are that CBD is cannabis or, to be more precise, it’s component. Some people call it ‘safe marijuana’. Therefore, the question is: “What is the ABC knowledge about CBD?”.
Being actively advertised via online media, or some other things like that, CBD remains a puzzle for many of us. The sudden popularity of it is not clear yet, but everyone can agree that this must be profitable for some people. Thereby, let us look through the roots of CBD.
Taking in the language of science, CBD is cannabidiol, which was discovered in 1940 and is seen as one of the basic elements that the cannabis plant contains. There exist about 113 cannabidiols that scientists are aware of, but CBS accounts for up to forty percent of the extract of the marijuana plant. The clinical researches that were held (including those, where people had to take CBD as a pill or just consume via cbd vape pen learn more) proved that CBD somehow deals with cognition, pain, movement disorders, and some other things.
To put it simpler, CBD is one of the two most prevalent active ingredients in the cannabis plant. CBD is usually included in medical marijuana because it cannot make you high, unlike THC (the second active ingredient) does. CBD is mostly produced from the hemp plant. Experts want to prove that the consumption of pure CBD is completely safe, but, as for now, we cannot claim this fact because of the lack of evidence.

In regard to the USA, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration is a structure, responsible for protecting the public health and providing people with safety concerning the food they eat and the drugs they take) does not allow to use CBD as medication and sell it freely. CBD is forbidden for treating many other diseases and the Administration expresses its concerns about the products for therapeutic use asserting to contain CBD. The FDA attempts to control the products that make medical claims about the effectiveness of CBD having no firm ground for it. Direct advertising of CBD is also forbidden.
In 2018, the FDA approved the use of CBD for people older than 2 years old for treating the most severe forms of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, and Dravet syndrome. That was done after 500 patients were studied and plenty of clinical trials were held.
Nowadays there exist in a variety of ways to consume CBD. One of the most popular is the tincture. The other ways of using it that are also on the top are drinking water-soluble CBD beverages, inhaling CBD extract by using vaping CBD oil or eating CBD infused foods.
Talking about tincture, this is a concentrated plant extract, mixed with a liquid solvent in the way that you can take it in a precise dose, using a simple dropper. Most of the users simply drop CBD into their mouths; however, some of the users drop it into their food, for example. This makes the picture somehow connected to edibles. Anyway, CBD infused foods are becoming popular more and more. It happens because of the world’s trend. In the Netherlands, for example, it is a widely known practice. The most popular among foods are lattes, croissants, or other baked sweets.
Talking about CBD and benefits might be difficult. However, if we look through all the possible ways to consume CBD discussed, we can find several advantages is in each of the ways. To begin with, we should tell you that tincture is one of the most popular methods because it uses a purer form of CBD than, for instance, vaping CBD oil. These help to minimize the possible risks of exposure to other components. If you take it under your tongue, it is also quickly absorbed through the skin; therefore, the effect is almost immediate, because it does not have to go through the digestive or respiratory system.
If you take CBD through a cbd vape pen, it makes you more relaxed and gives you the feeling of a certain freedom. It works just subconsciously and helps to get rid of extra stress and anxiety.
Eating CBD with foods is the way to be relaxed for a longer period of time. It takes time for CBD oil to get through the digestive system and it starts working later, lasting longer at the same time.

Looking through the benefits of different types of CBD usage, the question “What’s the punch line?” appears. So, it is time to talk about some negative sides of the habit. Using CBD vape has its risks as well. CBD extract for CBD pen usually contains some extra type of solute as is not soluble in the water. Mixing vaping cbd oil with polyethylene glycol or other things like (which, in many cases, are a carcinogen) puts you under certain risks.
The other important point is that you can never be sure whether a certain CBD (no matter whether it is for eating, in tincture form, or a vaping cbd oil) is pure or not, especially if you buy it on the black market. It is impossible to define, whether this particular CBD does not contain any THC elements and that is the catch, where you can get drug-addicted.
CBD, as well as some medicines or foods, could influence or get influenced by other medicines. The greatest impact of CBD is observed on the liver and the body’s ability to detoxify. It is proved that CBD can tamper with the interaction of the human organism and certain medicines. It might change the effect completely; make it stronger, or weaker. It is also unlikely that you use CBD while being pregnant, during the breastfeeding period, being a child, or suffering from Parkinson’s disease. There exist some more contraindications, some of which might be quite individual.
Therefore, if you want to start trying CBD, you have to consider all the pros and pros. If that is possible, better to consult an expert. However, it might be difficult as marijuana (and CBD respectively) remains an illegal substance.