There are many scary symbols which hold a supernatural power over us that are associated with the shadows of evil. This is in most part due to the fact that they are more mysterious than their light counterparts. There is a lot needed in order to make the abyss as deep as possible.
The worst of the worst of monsters hide in the wells of our subconscious minds. Much like the ones that find safety in the depths of hell. Those dwell here who were born to hide and descend into underworlds of the universe.
There is nothing so evil about the approaching possibility of death. In all forms where death exists is a feeling of doom. That is because intuitively, we are striving for eternity. So, we can feel the fear or danger of something that can excite us and spark something hidden inside of us to glow instead.
Here are some common symbols of evil and our perspective on them currently. When we see them, they come to life from our spiritual minds and trigger up repressed emotions and fears that we have about death and dying. Thus, they also hold the power of creation, or the afterlife, which remains unseen to the eyes, but not the spirit.
Anti Christ
The Anti-Christ is the one that is meant to be the opposite of Christ. The Anti-Christ is against the messages of love that Christ teaches. This creature is known to carry the marks of evil which are interpreted in popular culture in symbols such as the upside-down cross and the numbers 666.

Black Cat
Black cats are thought to have nine lives which means that they deal with death many times throughout their lives. They are associated with the night and dark magick. Because they represent female power, they may also symbolize bad luck or a curse placed upon you by a witchy woman.
Black Crow
The cawing of a crow in modern movies denotes the presence of death as they are known to eat dead animals off the ground, so therefore symbolizing the nature of life itself and its reincarnating purposes. The number of crows is said to foretell either a happy future or a gloomy one.
In our culture we have associated the dragon with Satan. This is because in the bible he is compared many times over to a serpent. This is due also in part to the fact that dragons breathe fire and have wings where the devil is a fallen force from Heaven, cast out into the world by the winds of God. However in many other places, they are associated with luck, which also carries a negative or occult assumption with the subject in question.
The eye is the most important symbol when it comes to offering insight into everything around us. The secrets behind what we perceive as reality. The eye represents hidden knowledge, light and mysteries revealed. The eye is a symbol of God.
The pentagram is the FIVE-POINTED STAR pointing downwards which represents certain aspects of Satan and his teachings. Although not necessarily always meant about the devil, it can represent primordial nature spirits as well as our modern interpretations of the wild of spirit.

The spider is a creature of the night and represents fate and death in many cultures. The nature of the creature is very spiritual, as it rarely eats, spins webs and seems to move in complete silence and stealth reverie. It can symbolize our dream worlds.
7 Evil Omens
So, if you are having an eerie feeling when you come into contact with any of these signs, just know that the only power they have over us is fear of the unknown and mystery of death. If you have faith and trust that all things were created in harmony, you will understand the complex symbology of these 7 traditionally evil omens.
Spirit will call to us to explore our shadow selves just as much as our light purpose because there is a balance that our souls will seek in order to find peace. We have to face our darkness inside if we want to find the way to salvation.
Remember if you see any of these symbols that they are merely representations of the spaces of death where we refuse to go deep beneath the reality of our physical world. They are in no way evil in themselves, unless they are worshiped or believed to be of such properties.
May the angels protect you that you may walk hand in hand with them in comfort and wisdom. Let us receive strength and power from projecting positive energy from ourselves so that we may effect the very nature of time in living with that of our eternal selves.
By Deanna Jaxine Stinson, Psychic Medium
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help