Starting a new, healthy life without alcohol or drug addiction is not easy. But, it’s important after undergoing treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction. Almost everybody knows the drill when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.
You can’t say you have a healthy lifestyle unless you exercise regularly, eat a nutritious and varied diet, get adequate sleep, have a healthy weight, limit alcohol consumption to seven drinks per week, don’t smoke, and undergo regular screenings for cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. A healthy lifestyle also involves improving relationships, reducing stress, and developing new hobbies and interests.
Starting a new healthy lifestyle will change you and mark a new stage in your life in numerous ways. For instance, calling an alcohol helpline can mark the beginning of a new phase in your life. That’s because you will be guided to seek treatment for alcoholism and leave the facility with a new perspective towards life. Helpline numbers provide the information that addicts need to undergo treatment and start healthy lifestyles. Without alcoholism, you will lead a more fulfilling, healthy life. You will also have time for family and friends. Here are some of the reasons why a healthy lifestyle will change and create a new stage of your life.

Improved Health
Research indicates that substance use disorder or addiction is a chronic condition. As such, addiction treatment centers have adopted models that address addiction as a chronic condition. Their focus is on addressing the effects of this disease on the patient and their overall well-being. Alcoholism puts you at the risk of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. A healthy life without alcohol protects you from such diseases.
Starting a healthy life without alcohol or drugs sets you up for recovery from the damage caused by these harmful substances. As such, your body starts to function better. You also feel and look better. All these improvements in your health will mark a new stage in your life.
For instance, before you call anonymous alcohol addiction hotline for assistance, you may have been missing out or forgetting important events like the birthday of your kids. That’s because drugs or alcohol were affecting your memory negatively. Once you start a healthy life after undergoing treatment for addiction, your memory will improve. You will also avoid waking up with regret and shame wondering what you did while drunk the night before.
Improved Relationships
It’s no secret that when living with active addiction, most individuals wrong their loved ones unwillingly. Being sober and starting a new healthy life is a sure way to maintain healthier relationships. For a parent, this is very important because it improves how you relate with your children. However, starting a new, healthy life after battling drug addiction or alcoholism for years won’t be easy. This is particularly so if there are relationships to rebuild with children. Therefore, be patient, positive, and present.
What’s more, starting a new healthy life after addiction will help you get or reconnect with better friends. A healthy life without drug addiction or alcoholism allows you more time to nurture meaningful relationships. You also become more honest and reliable. While undergoing recovery, you will know things that interest you. You will also find people with whom you have similar interests. Thus, you will establish sober friendships that will be more fulfilling and nurturing.
To Look and Feel Better
Once you start a new healthy life, you give your body the nutrients it needs to function properly. Quitting drugs and alcohol use means you stop poisoning the body with toxins. Most recovering addicts look better after calling alcohol help phone numbers and undergoing treatment. Wrinkles lose definition, dark circles become minimal, and blemishes clear. Some individuals look 10 years younger once they quit alcohol or drugs and start healthy lifestyles.
What’s more, drugs like alcohol add empty calories to the body. When you start a new healthy life, you avoid filling the body with these empty calories. This makes regulating and maintaining a healthy body weight easier. A healthy body weight gives you an awesome look. This makes you feel better physically while reducing the risk of weight-related health problems.
However, this improvement is not just superficial. When you look better, you also feel better about yourself. Thus, you start smiling more and become more social. A healthy lifestyle means giving your body the nutrients it needs. This enables it to fight infections, as well as, maintain a good look and better overall feeling.
To Have More Money and Time
Drug addiction or alcoholism is expensive to maintain. When you start a new healthy life without addiction, you save the money you would otherwise spend on fueling drug addiction or alcoholism. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance abuse costs the nation more than $600 billion annually. These costs can be reduced by treatment because it reduces the associated social and health expenses.
When you start a healthy life without drugs or alcohol, you save money that you can use for investments, paying debts, or making larger purchases. Rather than spend money on drinking for which you have nothing to show, you can invest it in meaningful experiences with loved ones.
What’s more, a healthy life without addiction will leave you more time to spend with loved ones. When thinking about calling the alcoholism hotline number, you may not know how you will be spending time without drinking or using drugs after leaving rehab. However, you will eventually learn better ways to spend that time with loved ones. For instance, you can visit your sober friends or relatives. You can also learn or do new things.

To Have More Energy
Some people think that working out will make them tired and have difficulties trying to sleep. But this is not true. When you start working out as part of your healthy lifestyle, your heart works more efficiently. You may have difficulties sleeping at first as the body adjusts. However, you will enjoy more quality sleep after the body recovers from the effects of drugs or alcohol. What’s more, your body won’t work hard to repair the damage caused by alcohol or drugs. And this will free up more energy resources.
If still leading an unhealthy life, these are sufficient reasons to change. Consider calling a drug or alcohol addiction hotline to seek help and start a new, healthy life. This may be a simple action but it can change and create a new stage in your life.