The Catholic Church now has a new Pope. Will he be the last Pope? In approximately A.D. 1139, Saint Malachy received a vision in which it was revealed to him that there would be 112 more Popes, with the last one being the “black Pope.” The new Pope is number 112. He is a Jesuit (Black Robes). What will happen next. This 112th Pope will certainly be a different kind of Pope.
- New pope is Argentina’s Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the former archbishop of Buenos Aires, who takes the
name Pope Francis.
- Francis, 76, is the first non-European pope in the modern era and the first South American pope.
- He’s also the first Pope Francis, and the third straight non-Italian pope.
- Election comes on first full day of the cardinals’ conclave in the Sistine Chapel.
- New pope, who succeeds Pope Benedict XVI, asks crowd to pray for him.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio background and information,
Pope Francis, the former Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina: He is 76, and is considered a straight-shooter who calls things as he sees them, and a follower of the church’s most conservative wing. He is a former archbishop of Buenos Aires.
He has clashed with the government of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner over his opposition to gay marriage and free distribution of contraceptives.
Besides being the first non-European pope in the modern era, the first South American pope and the third straight non-Italian pope, he also is the first Pope Francis.