Stereotypes are everywhere, and unfortunately many of them are based on truths! Some of them, however, are ridiculous and I wonder where they even come from. Costa Rican people are…
The cost of living has increased and many Americans on pensions wonder if they can afford to live here. The answer is, yes as you will see below. The average…
Costa Rica TalesUncategorized
Living in Costa Rica Stories: Disregarding the 10 Commandments (Part 3)
The Costa Rican Times has decided to add a column where both our readers as well as our staff can share stories about living in Costa Rica. If you go…
Costa Rica TalesUncategorized
Living in Costa Rica Stories: Disregarding the 10 Commandments (Part 2)
The Costa Rican Times has decided to add a column where both our readers as well as our staff can share stories about living in Costa Rica. If you go…
The Costa Rican Times has decided to add a column where both our readers as well as our staff can share stories about living in Costa Rica. If you go…
Costa Rica TalesUncategorized
Living in Costa Rica Stories: The Impossible Task of Firing a Costa Rican Employee
The Costa Rican Times has decided to add a column where both our readers as well as our staff can share stories about living in Costa Rica. If you go…