Recently I heard an eminent astronomer proclaim: “The universe doesn’t care if we exist, and it won’t care if we go away.” If you’ve spent any time alone in the…
the human brain
Neuroscientists and cutting edge computer developers are in the early stages of building a “bridge between flesh and chip.” Chillingly, promoters speak of a “brave new world” of thought-controlled machines–in…
After a recent column about nationalism and the first astronauts to see the entire earth from the moon, a reader sent me an article about the “overview effect” inducing a…
All systems of meditation are based on a false premise—that of control. The essence of any system, technique or method is control. Therefore all systems and methods of meditation are antithetical to meditation.
It’s spiritually immature in the extreme for a pope or a pundit to believe that “dogs go to heaven.” For a pundit to write such blather is silly and sentimental;…
Now that computers are replicating and recapitulating the functions of thought, we are faced with the questions: What does it mean to be human? What is the human brain for?
As hard as it is to emotionally perceive, one’s country is not the world; the world is not man; man is not humanity; and humanity is not the universe.