A falcon hovers over the field. Brown hillsides, rounded peaks, and the dark wall of the canyon beyond town stand out in breathtaking relief in the late afternoon sun. As…
the future
Twenty-first century nationalism is just atavistic tribalism with cell phones. After two world wars spewed from nationalistic sewers in the 20th century, yet another scourge of jingoism infects the world.…
“Speak your truth” is a commonly accepted phrase in North America these days. How widely and well it translates into other languages I don’t know, but it has fingernails on…
Following a meditation under the massive old sycamore, I drop down the short, steep bank to the shallow stream. Standing under and little way away from the tree, I see…
Through all the surgeries, the depression, the time spent lying down in bed and the horrible hospital food, my body had begun to atrophy. I went into the hospital weighing…
Though more and more people don’t think beyond the next seven minutes, most people are familiar with the first part of the Great Law of the Iroquois: “In deliberations, we…
It’s the third day of a new year, in the as yet to be determined lucky or unlucky number 2013. I’m not getting any traction, so I decide to sit…