After a light all-night rain, the clouds cleared and the sun made a welcome appearance in the early afternoon. People got outside and into the parkland in droves, including me.…
the brain
There’s a great deal of confusion surrounding the idea of limits and limitations, including by supposed philosophers. What are limits, and what are our limitations? It’s a question well worth…
The basic contradiction of man is this: ‘higher thought’ (that is, symbolic or conscious thought) is inherently separative, whereas nature and the universe operate from the principle of seamless wholeness.…
An explanation, however cogent, of how humans came to operate in opposition to nature, from which Homo sapiens arose like all other life, can’t change the explained. But a new…
A neuroscientist named Benjamin Libet made a remarkable discovery at the University of California, San Francisco in the mid-1980’s. After placing electrodes on volunteer’s skulls and forefingers, he asked them…
Neuroscientists and cutting edge computer developers are in the early stages of building a “bridge between flesh and chip.” Chillingly, promoters speak of a “brave new world” of thought-controlled machines–in…