In deeper states of meditation, there comes something totally beyond words. For lack of a better word, call it benediction. Can only the human brain bring the benediction on this…
The current thinking in human evolution is that fully modern humans migrated from Africa somewhere between 50-100,000 years ago. As the crisis of consciousness intensifies, one is compelled to ask:…
A sculptor I’m corresponding with wrote and said, “There are no new ideas, just reassembled old ones to make something new.” It’s true that there are no new ideas, but…
TEchnology News – Website are spying on you, but you already knew big brother was watching.
The ubiquitous, puddle-deep Charlie Rose had two disquieting presentations of technological dystopia dressed up as utopia on his nightly show last week.
Costa Rica News – 99.6 percent of all Costa Ricans have electric service. Power lines reach nearly every part of the country.
There’s a lot of interest in human origins these days. A permanent exhibition, featuring more than 200 casts of pre-human and human fossils at the American Museum of Natural History…
There’s an idea floating around that smartphones, Facebook and hyper-connectivity have fundamentally altered not just the way we live, but who we are.