“The biggest concern is that we might one day create conscious machines: sentient beings with beliefs, desires and, most morally pressing, the capacity to suffer,” write psychologist Paul Bloom and…
self awareness
Here in California, Silicon Valley types are still enamored with the idea that computers have brought humankind to “the edge of change comparable to the rise of human life on…
Self-awareness and sentience are difficult terms. Even scientists can’t agree on the difference between self-awareness and consciousness. So what is the distinction between awareness of self, self-awareness and self-knowing?
The word ‘dialogue’ is so overused and misused that it is no longer useful. Too many people mean too many things by the term. I prefer the word enquiry (‘inquiry’…
Hermeneutics is a fancy philosophy word for interpretation. Humans are, Western philosophers tell us ad nauseum, ‘hermeneutical creatures,’ endlessly and inevitably interpreting experience.