Though the rain didn’t begin until late morning, by mid-afternoon the park that runs along the creek through town had already returned to its creatures. A light, almost imperceptible drizzle…
One of the greatest confusions of our age is the conflation of scientific knowledge and truth. Indeed, scientific knowledge is now seen by most people as the only way to…
Life is perpetually beginning, and so right living means beginning each day anew—dying each day and beginning each day without continuity. To my mind, that’s the only way to live…
It’s chilly, partly cloudy, and thought-stoppingly beautiful in the parkland. The creek roars by like a wild green animal. Though the mind falls silent without much difficulty on such a…
A magnificent hawk—perhaps an eagle—circled three times high above the stream. Shortly thereafter, a ‘kite’ appeared, fluttering in the distance over the fields to the north, barely visible through the…
A homeless fellow has been encamped across from the meditation spot along Little Chico Creek, which only a few years ago marked the periphery of this town.
On a day that was expected to be sunny here in northern California, a thick layer of clouds sits over the land. A silent, solemn atmosphere pervades, and it feels…
“I was shocked to the core when I heard about the killings of 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo,” writes a professor of cultural history in London. He…