An eerie silence pervades the land the morning after Americans elected a narcissistic demagogue President of the United States. Of course the commentariat, who were so wrong, and complicit in…
A counter-sunset over the canyon and above the cliffs suffuses the sky with great swaths of soft color, fading fast. Standing and turning around after a long meditation overlooking the…
For many years I’ve asked, what will it take to change the disastrous course of humankind? Clearly an explosion of insight is required. Just as clearly, no single group of…
The ancient debate between order and freedom seems to have been won by the proponents of personal freedom. But just as the old order of social conservatives and traditional religious…
A girl of about 9 slowly makes her way downstream from ‘the beach,’ a small spit of sand in the park at the adjacent site. Carrying a walking stick she…
It’s a rather gloomy day, the first cloudy day in weeks. It’s my birthday and the atmosphere mirrors my mood. As one grows older birthdays tend to be tinged with…
When I was a young man, an elderly friend uttered a quip that stuck: It’s not that the devil is smarter than everyone else; it’s that it has so much…
I read a good summation of the core beliefs of science this morning. I say beliefs because they are just that—unexamined premises often held subconsciously. It’s time they were questioned.