On one of the hottest days of the year, when the temperature reached near 40 degrees (104), I found a quiet, shady spot by the stream for a meditation. There…
Psychological thought
It’s completely still. Not a leaf flutters, except for the slender yellow leaves overhanging and nearly touching the rushing stream. They quiver as the water’s current bestirs the air directly…
An amusing headline in a prominent California paper reads: ”What Separates Us From Chimps.” Though it may sound like a tautology, what separates us from chimps is separating ourselves from…
Driving down the short, steep grade into the canyon just beyond town, I passed a score of young people with shovels and buckets, obviously returning from trail work. From that…
A large, brown, stipple-winged hawk takes off from the path ahead of me with a small animal in its mouth. It’s near dusk, and the parkland seems to be full…
The observer is the original separation in the human mind. From this existential mistake all division originates, ending in the war between “my country and your country,” “my religion and…
The current thinking in human evolution is that fully modern humans migrated from Africa somewhere between 50-100,000 years ago. As the crisis of consciousness intensifies, one is compelled to ask:…
Anthropologists used to say that the human brain represents “the pinnacle of creation.” No one voices such blatantly anthropocentric things anymore. Human egocentrism now takes subtler forms, such as “for…