The clouds clear, and strong sunlight and intense shadows return to the parkland. The big sycamore leaves and the little oak leaves hang motionless in a bright blue sky.
Seneca has been my favorite philosopher since I was a child. Even though I have not always been successful in following his philosophy, I believe it can make everybody’s life…
“The biggest concern is that we might one day create conscious machines: sentient beings with beliefs, desires and, most morally pressing, the capacity to suffer,” write psychologist Paul Bloom and…
In the early 1980’s, after 15 years of intensive philosophical inquiry into the question of how human disorder could evolve out of the natural order, I had a shattering experience…
When “2001, A Space Odyssey,” came out in 1968, I was in the 10th grade at a small Catholic high school in Michigan. Like many boys of my generation, I…
Recently I witnessed a blue jay commit an act of premeditated murder of a starling. The incident raises the age-old question: Is the fault in our stars, or in ourselves,…
Are you a Hobbesian or a Rousseauian? Most people’s core worldview falls into one philosophical camp or the other, which usually determines where we fall on the political spectrum.
If the last year has demonstrated anything, it is that the Enlightenment ideals of reason and human rationality cannot hold sway over the chaos of belief, irrationality and tribalism. But…