Costa Rica News – It is always laughable to me when I see complete contradictions when it comes to things the Costa Rican government promotes in special events and then…
news in costa rica
Costa Rica News – Each culture has roles each of the sexes play. Of course, people break out of the traditional roles but these stereotypes don’t come out of nowhere. They…
Costa Rica News – Living in Costa Rica and seeing how most businesses are run as well as seeing all the government inefficiencies, it would surprise me if any of…
Costa Rica News – Last week my husband and I endeavored to renew our Costa Rican cédulas de residencia, the national ID card. I called the Banco BCR hotline, BCRCITA (900-003-4639),…
Costa Rica News – We can only hope with the now world wide coverage of this incident in Costa Rica that Chinchilla and her band of idiots actually are made…
Costa Rica News – Overseas Radio Has Teamed up With The Costa Rican Times to provide multiple modes of information sharing for local and foreign expats in order to get…
Costa Rica News – The days keep ticking by since the environmentalist Jairo Mora was murdered in Costa Rica. There have been no actions by the Costa Rican government to…
Costa Rica News – Proficiency in English is considered almost requisite to take career strides in Costa Rica. With continued foreign investment by predominantly North American companies, the need for employees…