The need to deny the global crisis of man, and place the enormity of present challenges to humanity in some partial and prior context, is extremely strong. It’s also the…
It’s a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, full of light and color and shadow. Many people are in the quarter-mile wide parkland, which follows a creek as it cuts through the college…
A friend writes to express a conundrum many people are grappling with these days, touching on a philosophical inquiry that rather obsessed my youth until I gained sufficient insight into…
It’s a lazy summer afternoon, and at the only sandy ‘beach’ in Lower Park, a big group of parents and children frolic in the water.
Is there an intrinsic intent in the universe to evolve brains capable of conscious awareness of Mind? That’s a religious and philosophical question, not one that can be answered by…
A small woodland hawk skims above the surface of the creek, then swoops up and lands atop a tree upstream. The sky is opaque, with a high white cover, but…
Twice yesterday, once at the corner café and later at the local brewery, I heard someone evince a strong whiff of misanthropy. The first was from a studious older fellow who’s…
The animal spotted me jogging up the path in the park. It stopped and turned about 100 meters ahead, and then again at 75 meters. It was the size and…