If the universe is infinitely good, and intelligence and love infuse the cosmos, then how did evil arise?
There have been too many encounters with animals in nature, too many non-coincidental and propitious moments, not to heed them when they occur.
Arriving at Lake Apserkaha in the mountains of southern Oregon for a men’s gathering around the theme, “Embracing Climate Change,” I was dismayed, but not shocked to find the lake…
Men are lost in America. Most no longer know what it means to be a man, and don’t know what to do in this obsessively externalizing society in which everything…
Dangerous wildfires are igniting all over California and the Northwest. Yesterday, a fire that began in the steep ravines of the foothills threatened a friend’s home near Nevada City. Only…
The animal spotted me jogging up the path in the city park. It was the size and shape of a dog, but moved like a cat.
Beyond town is a large canyon, stretching for miles into undeveloped land. Less than half mile from a gate that’s as far as you can drive in on the gravel…
On a warm, hazy afternoon, people cross the iron footbridge on bikes, foot or horseback. I sit about 75 meters upstream from the bridge. And though I’m in the open,…