Western philosophy, like Western civilization, is in crisis. What Plato called “the highest music” has been reduced to a discordant echo of science. Pouring salt in the wound, Stephen Hawking…
It’s a rather gloomy day, the first cloudy day in weeks. It’s my birthday and the atmosphere mirrors my mood. As one grows older birthdays tend to be tinged with…
When I was a young man, an elderly friend uttered a quip that stuck: It’s not that the devil is smarter than everyone else; it’s that it has so much…
A reader wrote to say she “doesn’t have a clue” what I’m talking about when I speak of the movement of negation. Since I’ve come to feel that no one…
I had a revealing conversation with a couple of millennials recently. Best friends, one a father of two young children and the other soon to be a father, they are…
The increasingly urgent necessity of global governance in our chaotic global economy and society brings into sharp relief the age-old question of the relationship between the timeless and the temporal.
Political and economic movements and protests have had little effect on man’s destruction of the planet and humanity’s spiritual potential. Is there another kind of movement, indispensable to individual inward…
An American living much of the year in Mexico wrote asking me to “state my religious agenda.” I accept the challenge, but question its premise.