Recently I witnessed a blue jay commit an act of premeditated murder of a starling. The incident raises the age-old question: Is the fault in our stars, or in ourselves,…
The great, dying sycamore is now shedding limbs like a leper, but buds still sprout from its remaining branches this spring. The sky is an incredible blue, a blue that…
Are you a Hobbesian or a Rousseauian? Most people’s core worldview falls into one philosophical camp or the other, which usually determines where we fall on the political spectrum.
Every week now it seems, astronomers are making a mind-blowing discovery or observation. Supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies; strange stars and galaxies flickering on just after the…
A huge mass of gray and white clouds, looking like hundreds of cottonballs packed together and filling the southern sky, move almost imperceptibly from west to east. Small slices of…
Pause and reflect on the following passage. It’s a disturbingly clear statement of a Hobbesian view of human nature, and it comes from a leading progressive commentator. It feeds into…
After the FBI deflected from their own negligence in the Parkview Florida school slaughter by indicting 13 Russians on Friday for interfering in the presidential election, and after President Trump…
Images of immense pain and sorrow on the faces of high school students in Florida in the wake of another maelstrom of violence and bloodshed in America keep coming to…