Over 15,000 years ago, in a small, single-chamber cave on the northern coast of Spain, prehistoric people built a complex altar out of a huge stalagmite slab supported by antler…
As the human crisis intensifies, we can either continue in the false and darkening direction of man, or take the true and illumining direction of humanity. On the individual level,…
When you are young, the ocean is a place of endless possibilities, great hopes and distant goals. When you are older, the ocean becomes a place of nostalgia, healing, and…
A young but full-grown deer ambles down and stands in the middle of the stream 30 meters away, drinking and munching on overhanging leaves. An hour later, as a mallard…
“The level of the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, has passed a long-feared milestone, reaching a concentration not seen on the earth for millions of years,”…
In considering whether the mind is greater than the brain, it may be useful to put the question the other way: Is the brain more than the mind?
As hard as it is to emotionally perceive, one’s country is not the world; the world is not man; man is not humanity; and humanity is not the universe.
Though more and more people don’t think beyond the next seven minutes, most people are familiar with the first part of the Great Law of the Iroquois: “In deliberations, we…