Instead of scaring up a couple of ducks as I ride down the dirt path to the creek, I surprise a man standing in the middle of the stream. He…
It’s spring in northern California, and despite the pandemic, or because of it, numerous people cross the footbridge on bikes or foot on a hazy, warm Sunday afternoon. I sit…
Just after I took my seat in front of the small bamboo forest at the Tree Farm, a 30-something fellow stopped and spoke. Excited to have discovered the place after…
Fittingly, a Filipino fellow, googling the word “precipice,” came upon my column, “At the Precipice, We Change?” It was written almost a year ago. Writers will recognize the sensation of…
Toward late afternoon, the light on a high overcast day becomes white and ethereally bright. Through the bare branches and beyond the tall pines, subtle hues of blue and gray…
Homo sapiens is an experiment in consciousness that is failing. Why are we failing, and what would it mean to succeed as a species? Not only the diversity of life…
The land down under has turned up over everyone lately, with people driven into the sea and a billion animals killed in wildfires. Here in northern California, Paradise still casts…
Bare branches and bushes afford a long view downstream. As usual, it takes a while for the senses to become attuned to sounds, sights and smells of the water, sky,…