Nikola Tesla is rolling over in his grave. Tesla was an even greater inventive genius than Edison. He wanted to provide the world with free energy. A few days ago…
I dislike the term ‘mystical experience.’ What happens in the brain during meditative states is neither mystical, nor an experience. It’s an event, a phenomenon that’s new each time.
Just after I take my seat for a meditation at the place with a long view downstream, a young, scruffy, unhappy-looking young man charges into the site. It’s an unseasonably…
As dawn broke in the east, the moon, emerging from eclipse, neared the western horizon. Across the surface of our perpetual celestial partner was etched the sharp shadow of a…
My mother, may she rest in peace (or already be reborn and growing in learning in her or his next life), was an ardent anti-communist. “When the Russians finally throw…
It was sprinkling when I left the house, and 20 minutes into the sitting downstream from Cedar Grove in Chico’s big city park it began to rain fairly hard. I…
Though the fog hadn’t burned off as it neared mid-afternoon, I hiked up-canyon beside the same stream that runs through town. The path is named the “Yahi Trail,” after the…
“This Is Not A Drill.” No, it’s not. This is what chaos feels like. The fact that so many people ran for their lives in terror in Hawaii on Saturday…