When “2001, A Space Odyssey,” came out in 1968, I was in the 10th grade at a small Catholic high school in Michigan. Like many boys of my generation, I…
An old friend and I are having a friendly argument about how many people still give a damn. He thinks about 30% still care. I said it’s become more like…
This insight seized me in the shower this morning: Homo sapiens is an experiment in consciousness that is failing. Why are we failing, and can we stop?
Below my feet, after days of heavy rain, the little creek on the periphery of town is like a gray-green animal surging ferociously and relentlessly forward. Above my head, as…
In quick succession along the short path after the footbridge to the picnic site, there were three close encounters with animals. First, a stipple-winged woodland hawk alighted from the nearest…
Will an effective global governance emerge in the foreseeable future, or will it continue to be seen as utopian science fiction in our increasingly dystopic world? The answer does not…
There’s a pervasive conflation and confusion between occult and the esoteric matters. Are they actually two completely different and distinct things, which have no relationship to each other?
The clearest and most disturbing expression of the present state of the world I’ve read comes from Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, the outgoing United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.” This…